

postheadericon Literally

Our poor little Lyla is sick.  She has an amazing fever.  That's it though, just a fever.  We have been fighting it for a couple days now and last night in the midst of sleepiness Lyla came in to use the potty as she does every night.  She, of course, has a very high fever and I tell hubby that she is "on fire".  Lyla immediately started crying and panicking. "Momma, I don't wanna be on fire!!! Why am I on fire?"  I realize in the middle of the run for medicine, a thermometer and a cold washcloth that she took what i said literally.  This happens often with her and most of the time it's pretty comical.  Like when I told her the bath with Stella was a nightmare because she wouldn't stop screaming.  When everyone was settled down Lyla said "Mommy, is the nightmare over?" I told her it was and she replied very relieved with "Oh, I am so glad.  I hate nightmares." So do I Lyla.  So do I. 

As I go through life with my 2 girls I find comedy in these literal encounters.  It always reminds me to choose my words wisely.


About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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