

postheadericon Lyla Bear

In a week I register my "baby girl" for kindergarten.  I cannot believe how time has gone by.  I look back on when she was born and the awe I felt.  It seems like a million years ago.  I thought I would never get past the sleepless nights, new mom insecurities, poopy diapers, beebees, and baby blues.  But here I am and here she is, 5 years later.

Those days are behind us and today I have this girl that is outgoing and confident, witty and smart.  She has a wicked sense of humor.  Her laugh lights up my world in a way I never thought possible.  She forever has a part of my heart and has awakened my soul.

She has this way of making friends that I am almost jealous of.  She is currently in a preschool near my work but will be starting Kindergarten near our house (about an hour difference) so not a single friend she has made will be at her new school.  I started telling her about how in Kindergarten she is going to be going to a new school and none of her preschool friends will be there.  Her response was, "A NEW SCHOOL!!! I am so excited mama.  I am gonna have lots of new friends and meet lots of new people.  I am just gonna say hi to them all and they will be my friend". Oh the confidence and excitement to meet new people.  I wish I had that quality and I love that she is so outgoing.  My fears were immediately melted away.  My "baby" is gonna be just fine.  She is going to conquer the world.  I am so blessed to be able to watch her do it.

To Lyla I say, "go get 'em tiger" they are lucky to have you.

Love you,


brittney pecore photography said...

Love it!!

About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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