

postheadericon lyla's in love

My dear beautiful 4-year-old daughter, Lyla, is in "love"

There is a boy in her preschool class that she will not quit talking about.  For his anonymity I will call him "Billy".

The conversation on the first day went something like this:
Lyla: Mommy, Billy is so handsome.
Me: He is?
Lyla: Yup. He is so handsome.

Second day:
Lyla: You know Billy is handsome right?
Me: yea, he is pretty cute
Lyla: He is NOT cute. He is handsome. I am cute
Me: Oh, i am so sorry.
Lyla: Can I marry him?  Do you have a dress i can wear when I get big to marry him?
Me (thru muffled laughter): Yes I have a dress.
Lyla: Oh good.  Does daddy have a suit for Billy to wear when he gets bigger too?
Me: Yes Daddy has a suit.

At this point I am having a hard time controlling myself.  Where in the world does she come up with this stuff.  Fortunately, she is not done yet and the third day is by far the best.

Third day:
Lyla:  Billy is handsome Mommy.
Me: I know
Lyla: Can I kiss him?
Me: NO! You are too young to kiss boys
Lyla: It's ok! He is four and I am four.
Me: I know but you are too little
Lyla: Ok well I am going to hug him and when he comes to my birthday party I am going to wear my princess dress for him.  He is so handsome and he is so strong.
Me: ........speechless

She continues for about another 15 minutes about "billy" and I am all smiles the entire time. She is so funny.  I realize later I am in a WHOLE WORLD OF HURT.  This is all too soon.  She is too young.  I told Todd about it later that night and he was totally freaked.  That is his baby and she won't be kissing ANYONE, at least not on his watch.

My baby girl is growing up.  I love her so much and want her to stop growing right this second.  In fact I insist she stop.  Oh, but I don't have control over that.  I guess just enjoy these times of innocent thoughts and first loves.


brittney pecore photography said...

Nick would go buy a gun.

About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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