

postheadericon Quick Halloween upcycle

For the Saturday before Halloween we decided to go to Knott's Camp Spooky with the girls.  Lyla wore a costume but I was going to just put Stella in her Halloween shirt.  Only problem is the shirt was long sleeve and it was going to be very warm.  So I did what any mother would do, I cut off the sleeves and hot glued the seam.  I figured that this was the last day she would be able to wear the shirt so I did the following:


1. Plugged in hot glue gun
2. Got a short sleeve shirt of the same size as a template.
3. Laid the short sleeve shirt on top of the long sleeve shirt
4. Cut the sleeves
5. folded the shirt over to make sure both sleeves were the same length
6. Turned the shirt inside out to hot glue the seam

That's it! The whole thing took five minutes and Stella was nice and cool.
As a bonus I used the cut off sleeves as leg warmers!  Super cute, if I do say so myself.


About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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