

postheadericon A pumpkin patch we will go

This weekend we went on our annual trek to the pumpkin patch at Cal Poly Pomona.  It is so much fun.  They have all pumpkins for $5 each or 5 for $20.  You can't beat that!  So we packed up the kids super early Sunday morning and headed out for some pumpkin pickin' fun.


I should mention that Todd and Lyla are both quite the pumpkin fanatics.  Every year we grow pumpkins in our garden. Together they watch them grow, count how many we have and then proudly display them on the front porch when it gets near Halloween. We decided not to plant any this year so this trip was even more important.

They both had to find just the right pumpkins.  Lyla's pumpkins are never all that perfect but she is so proud to pick her's out.  Todd on the other hand requires much more of his pumpkins.  Does it sit flat? Does it have a long stem to get the lid off? Are there any scratches or imperfections? It is quite the ordeal.  Well we managed to find plenty of pumpkins to take home that were just perfect for each person.

After getting all our pumpkins we went over to the petting zoo.  Lyla was so excited to play with all the animals.  Then a quick photo op on the tractor and we were outta there.


Somewhere in the midst of it all we managed to lose Stella's blanket so it was a VERY long drive home to say the least.  Now we know to always have 2 blankets if we plan to go anywhere.  All in all it was a good day though and the girls had a great time.


TracyGamache said...

Aww I loved reading this and seeing all the pictures!

About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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