

postheadericon Christmas time

This is by far my MOST favorite time of year
Everyone seems to be a little nicer
Everywhere smells a little better
Everything looks a little prettier
Why do I love this time of year so much?

I love giving gifts
Giving a great gift that is thoughtful and is loved
When someone is dumbfounded on how I remembered
The delight on their faces warms my heart

I love to bake
Getting all covered in flour
Wrapping the baked goods for sharing with loved ones
Bonding with my daughters over dough

I love my annual bake day with my grandma
Every year we do a full day of baking
We have done this for about a decade
It is our time to do something we both love
It is my time to learn all the traditions to pass down
This time is so valuable to me
I hope it will be equally valuable to my grandkids one day

I love our family traditions
Elfie - Our Elf on a Shelf
Fresh baked cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning
New Pajamas on Christmas Eve
New ornaments for each year
Still getting a full stocking from my Mom

I love to spend time with family
My family is number one
We have a big family and Christmas dinner is a blast
Everyone telling stories
Watching 'A Christmas Story'
Warming by the fire
Doing the White Elephant exchange
Getting so stuffed with food you can't move

I love watching my girls on Christmas Morning
It all leads up to this moment
When they come downstairs
With coal ash on their noses
and gifts left from Santa
My heart is so full when I see their smiles
They are my loves and my life
These are all the things I love.
These make Christmas time the best time
Every year is more amazing than the last


About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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