

postheadericon My 2 girls bathroom

Once I found out I was going to have another girl I was finally able to get things rolling in their bathroom.  Before that I didn't wanna go all girly and have a boy and then start all over.  I was really excited and decided pink and lime green was the way to go.  The first thing I did was to paint this little saying on the wall.  It was a super easy and inexpensive project.  All I needed was poster board stencils, acrylic paint and a foam stippling brush.  I measured out a straight line and then just held up one letter at a time and stippled on the color I wanted.  It is a little messy but I like it that way and I think it came out super cute.  This was a first but won't be the last.


postheadericon A tutu for you

A while ago I started making tutu's and Brittney Pecore Photography took all the pictures for me.   Here is a very small peak at a few I have made.  The beautiful models are my 2 girls of course.  Enjoy!


About Me

I am a full time mother and full time office manager. I love both but yearn to be home more with my girls. They, along with my husband, are my life. I love spending time with them...


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